On World Mental Health Day – Commit to caring for yourself
Spirit of place… Such an emotive phrase. The notion that certain places are special to particular people for different reasons. A place that affects the soul. Spirit of place is about belonging somewhere. It is about traveling far from home and always feeling the pull back to where you started. Some of us have been lucky to feel that attachment. To have known a place that nurtures us, feeds us and protects us. It is a powerful force and even healing at times.
So much is changing too fast. Technology and development swallow up huge swathes of history in the blink of a very young eye. If you are wealthy and powerful enough, you can have anything you desire or do anything you want. No one dares question you, but a select, toothless few. People’s history, people’s memories and people’s spirit of place bulldozed over for a quick buck. I wonder whether or not my children will feel that connection to place, growing up as they do in a disposable world where nothing is sacred?
Some places become a part of you, almost by osmosis. They seep into your bones over years and years of shared history. You grow to expect them to always remain the same, even if you don’t go there often anymore. You just know they will be waiting for you the next time you visit.
Everything changes
Then one day, for whatever reason, that place is gone. Sold, changed and unavailable. It is the way of things I suppose. We all do what we have to do to get by. It is just so sad to lose that part of yourself. It is a death of sorts. When everything changes like this, it is important to look after your inner world, to protect your soul.
The world is a very large place when we are young. Everything is overwhelming and confronting. On the rarest of occasions we find a place that is safe. A place where we can hide away. A place where we can launch ourselves from. Over time, though, people die, buildings get torn down, parks get concreted over and the safe places in our world shrink in number just that little bit.
I have met a number of old people, who over time, have lost so much. They have outlived almost everyone they knew. Sometimes in weak moments they will ask when their turn is coming, because they feel that they no longer belong. Maybe change and loss is essential for the very simple reason that it prepares us for that great goodbye. Maybe loss is just the soul breaking connection with a spiritual place, so that it can fly away to a better tomorrow.
The inner spirit
I have the sneaking suspicion, that feeling connection to a place or thing, is just a reminder that the place we need to have connection with is our own soul. The place we need to nurture is ourselves. To have a safe place within us to run to, that others cannot have, sell or bulldoze over.
Instead of mowing lawns and building fences, maybe we should be meditating and praying. Instead of building bigger barns, we could be building inner resilience, kindness and self compassion. In this way, the place we run to for safety will be within. An impenetrable, warm and safe garden overflowing with milk and honey.
With this Sunday being World Mental Health Day, let us all remember to look after what really counts. Let us look after the only place that others cannot destroy. Let us grow a beautiful, resilient inner world. Lets develop true spirit of place.
If we commit to looking after ourselves, to adding at least one positive mental health habit to our routine, then maybe we can all grow stronger. With strong, impenetrable souls, we will have enough strength left at the end of the day to look after each other as well. I have listed below, links to topic specific posts from my Blog in the hope that they might lead you to the beginnings of a better life.

Mental health care for all: let’s make it a reality
Five links to build a resilient soul
Mindfulness meditation
Balance – Mindfulness is the key » The Good The Bad and The Unrelated
Mindfulness – A safe place » The Good The Bad and The Unrelated
Mindfulness and a strained metaphor » The Good The Bad and The Unrelated
A Journal helps – The examined life » The Good The Bad and The Unrelated
Knowing your values
Freedom – A highly valued thing » The Good The Bad and The Unrelated
Redefining success » The Good The Bad and The Unrelated
Five ways to be kinder to yourself » The Good The Bad and The Unrelated
Kindness and other acts of rebellion » The Good The Bad and The Unrelated %
The truth in friendship » The Good The Bad and The Unrelated
World Mental Health day
World Mental Health Day 2021 – National Mental Health Commission
I have many fond memories of places. File and remember fondly 🙂
That’s excellent. You’ve got some great stories about them too.
Thank you for sharing! It is crazy to think about how I grew up and how my children grew up. There were no cell phones. Somedays I wish to go back to that time. Taking the time for a mental health day is a great time for a reset.
I agree. Id like one day where no one needs you or can find you.
I struggle so much with change. I think it’s because I’m a control freak and I don’t like when I can’t control things. Nonetheless, change happens whether we like it or not.
Yeah, change is never easy, but it is constant.
Great article. You’re absolutely right, if we can ‘save’ ourselves, maybe, just maybe, we can ‘save’ each other.
Thanks, Kathryn. I appreciate the affirmation.
Great article!
One of my personal favorite quotes is” Nothing is forever except changes ” In an ever-changing world, we need to look forward and adapt.
So true, Keith. Nothing stays the same.