The ethereal nature of hot chips.  A story of transcendence in two parts.

He’d been that way before.  Walked those worn concrete paths when things were at their darkest.  Without his children’s unending desire for hot chips, he’d have stayed at home.  Indoors, depressed and out of sight.  He would have never left the house for fear of all that unspecified danger, except that the children knew him …

The ethereal nature of hot chips.  A story of transcendence in two parts. Read More »

Smaller Dreams

Dreams are funny.  They describe so many different aspects of our lives. You can have a dream, make a dream, lose a dream, interpret a dream, achieve a dream or even be in a dream state.  No matter who you are though, you will have had dreams in one form or another.  Either they begin …

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Routine: The great liberator?

Life is all about patterns.  Routine creates predictability.  The recurring responsibilities and their inherent predictability end up being relied upon to keep us steady.  The jobs that we complain about so often, end up becoming the foundations that keep everything in place.

Questioning depression

I remember distinctly the moment when my Psychiatrist diagnosed me with Major Depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).  It was like the whole world had suddenly come into sharp focus.  Ironically, I almost smiled.  The diagnosis answered so many questions,  gave structure to so many issues and explained so much.  Unfortunately, coming to terms …

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